Friday, March 30, 2012

Joe Biden ?????????

Let's get rid of the special needs little brother, Joe Biden.  The man is an absolute moron.  How he has survived so long in politics is a testament the political structure of the U.S.  Let's send him back to his group-home.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Our government is now engaged in propaganda at the same feverish pace as the Nazis in 1940-41.  Josef Goebbles was busy accusing the Jews of every bad thing that had happened in Germany, or the world.  Roosevelt was accused of being a puppet for Jewish interests.
Now, in 2012 we see the same sorts of propaganda being issued by the Whitehouse.  And, as in 1935-45 Germany, the Jews are being targeted as the cause of all of our problems.  This is reprehensible!  This is a symptom of a nation that is quickly headed toward destruction.

After WWII we set aside a day, every year where we would remember the atrocities of Nazi Germany.  The watch-phrase was "never again."  However, we have forgotten.  We have turned our backs on tyranny and evil.  We've lost the concept of good vs. evil.  In the world today there is no evil, just a different way of looking at things.

While we haven't started murdering Jews, we have targetted a discreet segment of our population, the unborn, and/or the newly born.  Thousands of innocent, helpless children are murdered every year under the auspices of birth control.  And now, philosophers have determined that it is ethical to murder our newly-born children--when they are deformed--mentally and physically.  This practice is not called by it's real name "infanticide," but "post-birth abortion."  Are there really doctors in the world that would be involved in "putting-down" our children?  If there are, they are of the same ilk as Josef Mengele, and the many others that performed hideous operations on Jews.  They are of the same ilk as Rudolf Hoess, commandant of Auscwitz, the most ruthless of all concentration camps (responsible for the death of over 2,000,000 Jews, and millions of others of differing races.).

Have we become so "enlightened" as to condone in these hideous acts?  If we have, then we are ripe for destruction.  And God, our Heavenly Father will destroy us. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Third Reich

It is amazing to me that as I study the history of the rise and fall of Nazi Germany, I find so many similarities to the conditions of the present.  Maybe that's what George Suntyana when he talked about the importance of studying history.

The similarities between the rise of the Nazi Brownshirts, and the OWS crowd is striking.  The thing that I would caution these people about, is to remember what Hitler ultimately did to the Brownshirts, many were executed by Himmler's SS.  Hitler would use these groups to accomplish a part of his plan.  When they no longer served his purpose, they were usually convicted on trumped-up charges and executed.

The similarity between Nazi eugenics and our present attitudes about abortion are exactly the same.  Every year hundreds of thousands of unborn children are slaughtered.  Although we don't load them up in cattle cars, the attitude and intent are the same . . . get rid of a specific demographic group in our population.
Our leaders pilfer and rob the public of money and wealth, all under the guise of equalizing everybody's income.  Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Castro, Chavez, Gueverra; all of these men claimed to be making society better.  However the reality was and is much different.  Only the leaders, and the new elite have the wealth.  The once wealthy are being relegated to the gutters.  The OWS crowd surely does not merit any wealth.  They will all be dealt with.  They're only a means to an end.

Antisemitism is reaching the same pitch as Nazi Germany.  Now we have Iranians, Saudi Arabians, and groups within the U.S. that are calling for the annihilation of the state of Israel.  Haven't we learned from sad experience?  Must we become ruthless and bloodthirsty as were the Nazis.  The only bright spot is the fact that Arabs are also semitic.