Saturday, September 22, 2012

Harry Reid rears his ugly head again.  His string of lies has been proven to be such.  Mitt Romney has released his tax returns for several years, proving that he HAS indeed, paid his taxes.  Now, our wonder dog from the Senate revives his attack from a different angle, that Mitt has manipulated the system.
Harry, have you no honesty or decency?  You have manipulated the system for the past several years as a Senator.  You have failed to come up with a budget for over four years.  You and your minions have shoved O'bummer-care down our throats saying that this is what the people want.  Wrong my little retarded friend, 65% of the people of the U.S. stated, unequivocally, that they did NOT want this abortion of legislation passed.  And you continue to lie.
Are you really in love with the power that you wield that you're willing to sell your soul to the Devil to maintain it?  Do you not remember what you've read in the Book of Mormon regarding the Gaddianton robbers, and their part in destroying an entire civilization?  Do you not remember the warnings that God gave to the prophets about your very actions?  You will stand before Jesus Christ and answer for your behaviour.  What did you do to serve your fellow-beings?  What did you do to stand as a witness for Christ in all places that you found yourself?  Can you answer thesee questions with a clear concscience before God?